Self Development/ Personal Development

"The process of constant self-learning is called self-development/self-improvement."

In this world nobody is complete, nobody is perfect, nobody is a loser and nobody is incomplete.
Everyone wants to be happy,  survive,  grow, want to achieve some goals and to be successful.

Why do you need to develop yourself?

"Life is growth. If we stop growing technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead.(Morihei Ueshiba)" 

It's a journey that a person starts by itself. This journey gives you opportunities to improve yourself by evaluating your strengths and weaknesses. It involves those activities that improve your thinking style through learning, experiences of your life and make you able to stand in society.
Self-development or Personal development helps you to find a reason to take a step forward in your life by learning from mistakes or by experience in different fields of life.
You need to observe critically your actions towards people and things and then note reactions in return. By doing this you can control your actions and emotions. Through awareness that what is wrong and what is right. When you start critical observation you come to know that you didn't know about everything and you need development.
You are able to identify your flaws and mistakes and then you start your journey of self-development starts from there. 
There are many aspects to improve yourself, but most basic aspects through which you can improve your development are mentioned here.

1) Mental development
This is the most basic aspect of self-development. To keep yourself mentally strong you need brain exercises. It related to your knowledge, intellectual strategies, and practices. You can observe your mistakes. Learn from these mistakes and grow your skills and knowledge about different things. A mentally strong person can make a successful decision, set goals, improve relationships and get ready for new challenges.

2) Social development
Human is a social animal. A community is made up of individuals. You are not living in an isolated world. To be socially successful you need effective communication, meetings to different kind of people, making new friends, share your ideas and problems with them and growing up and learn about new things. All these things are involved in this process.

3) Physical  development
Physicals development includes your growth and biologically matures. You start to learn about things from your birth. You learn about different things when you grow up.
 A physically strong and healthy person actively participates in new things and learn quicker than a weak person. So, you need to be conscious of your health, diet, and beauty like how to dress up according to the environment.

4) Spiritual development and emotional development
Spiritual development is an important aspect in which you improve your spirituality, you are working on creating a deeper connection with the world around you. This allows you to learn more about yourself and what you truly want in life. 
On the other hand, an emotionally strong person will serve you better in all areas of your life. To  react to things emotionally is not something that is too easy.
However, remember that you can change this and you can do better when it comes to not allowing your emotions to control you. This will take time and it is something that you should work on gradually so that you do not leave yourself exhausted by the process. Keep track of your progress in a special journal.

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